
Imprint - MyVerse GmbH

Untere Bahnhofstraße 15

06333 Hettstedt

+ 49 721-98618435

Company registration number:
HRB 33764

Value added tax id:

Responsible according to § 5 GTA: Johann Klaus Erbeznik, Innsbruck / Österreich

Responsible for content according § 55 Sect. 2 GIBT: Johann Klaus Erbeznik, Innsbruck / Österreich

Website development by:: Niklas Raczek (Futuric)

Images are "Designed by Freepik"

1. General terms of use:

MyVerse GmbH, hereinafter referred to as the service provider, assumes no liability for the topicality, correctness, completeness, or quality of the information provided on the website, unless such a guarantee is explicitly assumed on the website. The service provider expressly reserves the right to change, supplement or delete parts of the website or to discontinue publication temporarily or permanently without prior notice. The use and downloading of the contents of the website is permitted exclusively for private purposes. Any other reproductions and uses are prohibited and will be prosecuted under civil and criminal law.

2. Responsibility for content:

The service provider is only responsible for its own information that it makes available for use in accordance with general laws. The service provider is not responsible for third-party information that it transmits in a communications network or to which it provides access for use, provided that it did not initiate the transmission, did not select the addressee of the transmitted information and did not select or modify the transmitted information. Furthermore, the service provider is not responsible for automatic, time-limited intermediate storage, the sole purpose of which is to make the transmission of the third-party information to other users more efficient at their request, provided that the service provider has not modified the information, complies with the conditions for access to the information, observes the rules for updating the information laid down in widely recognised and used industry standards, does not interfere with the permitted uses of technology to collect data on the use of the information as specified in widely accepted and used industry standards, and acts expeditiously to remove or disable access to stored information upon becoming aware that the information has been removed from the network at the original point of origin of the transmission, or that access to it has been disabled, or that a court or administrative authority has ordered its removal or disabling. The service provider shall also not be responsible for third-party information which the service provider stores for itself or for a user, provided that the service provider has no knowledge of the unlawful act or the information and, even in the case of legal disputes, no knowledge of facts and circumstances from which the unlawful act or the information becomes apparent, or if the service provider has taken immediate action to remove the information or to block access to it as soon as it has gained such knowledge. This shall not apply if the user for whom information is stored is under the control or supervision of the service provider.

3. Copyright and trademark:

The copyright for published objects created by the service provider itself remains solely with the service provider. Any duplication and/or use of objects such as diagrams, sounds or texts in other electronic or printed publications is not permitted without the service provider's agreement.

4. Applicable law and place of jurisdiction:

German law shall apply to legal disputes in connection with the service provider (insofar as they are established in the Federal Republic of Germany). This shall also apply if the teleservices are offered or provided on a business-like basis in another state within the European Union, insofar as nothing to the contrary arises from the rules of private international law. The place of jurisdiction is the respective registered office of the service provider.

5. Notes, advice comments and feedback

Any information, advice, comments, or other feedback provided by the user to the service provider will be treated as non-confidential unless the user explicitly claims confidentiality in writing. Furthermore, the service provider reserves the right to treat and exploit this information in any way. The same applies to any form of communication by means of which the user contacts the service provider.

6. Legal validity of these terms of use

If sections or individual terms of this statement are not legal or correct, the content or validity of the other parts remain uninfluenced by this fact. general terms and conditions of MyVerse GmbH

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